how to register  free mail microsoft
hi im interst to register a mail i search and i faind thet lessn in thet web site is true thet One of my friend show me how to register a email account . He able to register one but then he do not really sure how to check his email lol For those who are interested in getting a email, here is the tricks:- Go to and click on Signup button Copy the code below and paste at the URL bar javascript : var p = ‘microsoft.’;var ds = new Array(‘com’, ‘cn’, ‘fr’, ‘it’, ‘nl’);for (var i = 0; i < ds.length; i ++){document .getElementById('idomain').options[i] = new Option(p + ds[i], p + ds[i])}alert('domains added'); You will notice the email address changed from to Just continue your registration and you will get a email address.
October 30th, 2010 10:48am

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